red roses and white lily of the valley bouquet
a wedding bouquet of red silk roses and white lily of the valley
red roses and lily of the valley feature in this wedding bouquet
a wedding bouquet collection of red roses & White lily of the Valley
a wedding bouquet collection of red roses & White lily of the Valley
a wedding bouquet collection of red roses & White lily of the Valley
a wedding bouquet collection of red roses & White lily of the Valley

a wedding bouquet collection of red roses & White lily of the Valley

Regular price £0.00 £48.95 Sale

  • A wedding bouquet collection of artificial red roses, pure white lily of the valley and euculptus foliage
  • would make a great bouquet for either a bride or her maids. the stems are simply bound with a satin and organza ribbon and finished with a bow
  • The Bell Shaped Flowers of the Lily of the Valley are Plastic, ensuring they keep their shape, the roses are traditional polyester silk
  • Measurements: ......brides bouquet dia approx 10 inches




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