A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
a brides bouquet of artificial silk red roses with diamante
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses
A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses

A bouquet collection featuring artificial red silk roses

Regular price £35.00 Sale

  • A posy bouquet of artificial silk roses with diamante centres, there is also the added option of a choice of rose colour and sizes making this bouquet suitable for all the wedding party
  • The stems have been finished with a satin ribbon bow and a band of glizy diamante, we have used black ribbon in the pictures but if you prefer a different colour just let us know
  • Measurements:
  • a petite bouquet suitable for a bridesmaid or a bride wanting a smaller design - width approx 7 inches
  • a standard bouquet suitable for the bride - width approx 8 inches




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